
Bloody shot.

Submission for RosenticaArtContest Red/Black/White color brings these two to the top! I love these couple character so much I've designed the girl using her phone take a selfie shot with the boy and the results come out very good Thank you for an amazing event.

Reserve0.1 ETH

Auction TypeVickrey ?

Auction Duration1 DAY



OWNED BY0x888...b893

LISTED ONsealed for 0.1 ETH


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AuctionCreated on sealed by ren199xlast year0.1 ETH

ReserveAuctionCanceled on foundation by ren199xlast year

ReserveAuctionUpdated on foundation by ren199xlast year0.1 ETH

ReserveAuctionCreated on foundation by ren199x2 years ago0.123 ETH

Minted by ren199x2 years ago