Beneath the shadows of Echoes of Calm, A girl stirs in profound possession.Her desire, a raging sea, Laughs, like the ripples of waves on a beautiful shore. 「穏やかな響き」の影の下で、 少女は深い憑依にうなだれます。 彼女の欲望、荒れ狂う海のように、 笑う、まるで美しい海岸の波立ちのようです。
Reserve0.035 ETH
Auction TypeVickrey ?
Auction Duration3 DAYS
OWNED BY0xdd4...6001
LISTED ONsealed for 0.035 ETH
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AuctionCreated on sealed by Arisulast year0.035 ETH
Minted by Arisulast year