

Collection no.11 4000×4000 I had no idea that the girl who was so unassuming in class had this side of her. She had her own home community, where she had earned respect and popularity through her skills. I was shocked by that. クラスでは地味なあの子がこういう一面を持っているとは思わなかった。 彼女には彼女のホームとなるコミュニティがちゃんとあり、そこで自らの技術で尊敬と人気を勝ち得ていた。 僕はそのことに衝撃を受けた。

Reserve0.2 ETH

Auction TypeEnglish ?

Auction Ends In1D 16H 6M 54S



OWNED BY0x492...40a7

LISTED ONsealed for 0.2 ETH


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AuctionCreated on sealed by Shosei_Hironolast month0.2 ETH

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ReserveAuctionUpdated on foundation by Shosei_Hironolast month0.2 ETH

ReserveAuctionCreated on foundation by Shosei_Hironolast year0.4 ETH

Minted by Shosei_Hironolast year