

私がNFTを初めて知ったきっかけはさいとうなおき先生の動画でした。 さいとうなおき先生は私の人生を変えた尊敬する先生です。 イラストレーターとして生きていく道を照らして頂き、こうやって多くの方に自分の作品を見てもらえるまでになりました。 感謝してもしきれません。 この作品はさいとうなおき先生率いるチームの素敵なプロジェクト"MEGAMI"のファンアート作品です。 NFTを始めるきっかけをくれた先生のプロジェクトに尊敬と感謝を込めました。 私は活動初期より多くの人から「かわいい!」と思って貰える作品作りを心がけています。 「かわいい」は心を動かします。 この作品で私も誰かの心を動かせていたら嬉しいです。 I first learned about NFT through a video by Naoki Saito Sensei. I respect Mr. Naoki Saito as a teacher who changed my life. He has helped me to find my way in life as an illustrator, and I am now able to show my works to many people. I cannot thank him enough. This work is a fan art of "MEGAMI," a wonderful project by the team led by Naoki Saito. I respect and thank him for his project that inspired me to start NFT. From the beginning of the activity, I have been trying to create works of art that many people think are "cute!" Cute" moves people's hearts. I would be happy if I could move someone's heart with this work.

Reserve0.35 ETH

Auction TypeVickrey ?

Auction Duration1 DAY




OWNED BY0x793...7e8c

LISTED ONsealed for 0.35 ETH


Fetching current bids

AuctionCreated on sealed by kuramatsuko.ethlast year0.35 ETH

Bought by kuramatsuko.eth2 years ago0.5 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by kuramatsuko.eth2 years ago0.5 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by simonjp.eth2 years ago0.4477 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by gurico.eth2 years ago0.407 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by masato.eth2 years ago0.37 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by simonjp.eth2 years ago0.33 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by masato.eth2 years ago0.3 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by chocomint.eth2 years ago0.2662 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by nishiyama.eth2 years ago0.242 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by hishibuya.eth2 years ago0.22 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by hiroken.eth2 years ago0.2 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by chocomint.eth2 years ago0.165 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by lemonteastar.eth2 years ago0.15 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by GAMIN_NFT2 years ago0.12 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by hiroken.eth2 years ago0.1 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by Bulli2 years ago0.055 ETH

ReserveAuctionBidPlaced on foundation by Yuka2 years ago0.05 ETH

ReserveAuctionCreated on foundation by asari_NFT2 years ago0.05 ETH

Minted by asari_NFT2 years ago