暗い灰みのある青色。「御召」とは本来は「着る」という意味の尊敬語。「茶」は当時の流行の色から。 日本の伝統的な染め物技法の一種「御召」に由来している。 江戸幕府の第11代将軍(徳川家斉)が縮緬(ちりめん)を好んで愛用したことから「上様の御召物」の意で「御召縮緬(おめしちりめん)」と呼ぶようになり、「御召縮緬」の先染めの色にも『御召茶』の名がついたと言われている。格式や品位、高級感と伝統を象徴する色。 A dark grayish blue. "omeshi(御召)" is a respectful term originally meaning "to wear. The word "brown" is derived from the color that was popular at the time. It is derived from "omeshi(御召)," a type of traditional Japanese dyeing technique. Since the 11th shogun of the Edo Shogunate (Ienari Tokugawa) loved and used crepe, it came to be called "omeshi crepe" meaning "the superior's crepe," and it is said that the name "omeshi-cha" was given to the yarn-dyed color of "omeshi crepe" as well. This color symbolizes prestige, dignity, luxury and tradition. ◇ー・ー・ー・ー・ー・◇ 勤勉で気真面目な少女。お洒落とお茶菓子が好き。戒律を守り、分単位で1日のスケジュールを組み行動するのが何よりの快感。 Diligent and serious girl. She loves fashion and tea sweets. She is a woman of discipline and enjoys the challenge of scheduling her day to the minute. List~2024/9/30
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