

銀を含んだ金粉で、蒔絵に用いる。中国の皇帝の色とされる黄色から連想した色名。金色に比べるとやや青みがかっているので 「青金粉」「青金泥」とも言う。 Gold powder containing silver, used for maki-e. This color name is associated with yellow, the color of the Chinese emperors. It is also called “blue gold dust” or “blue gold mud” because it has a slightly bluish tinge compared to gold. ◇ー・ー・ー・ー・ー・◇ 性別不詳の幼子。一人称は「朕」。なりきっている。額の第三の目で人の心を見透す。金箔をのせた焼き餅が好物。 A young child of unknown gender. He can see through people's minds with the third eye on his forehead. His favorite food is baked rice cake with gold leaf on it.



OWNED BY0xdb6...a9ea


Bought by miniinvestor.eth3 months ago0.0732 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.0732 ETH

Bid placed by 0x15d...af8d3 months ago0.0666 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.061 ETH

Bid placed by 0x15d...af8d3 months ago0.06 ETH

Bid placed by 0xdcf...7e133 months ago0.04 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.03501 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.035 ETH

Bid placed by 0xf46...ebff3 months ago0.03 ETH

Bid placed by 0xdc4...4cbc3 months ago0.027 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.025 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.0222 ETH

Bid placed by 0xf46...ebff3 months ago0.021 ETH

Bid placed by 0xdc4...4cbc3 months ago0.02 ETH

Bid placed by 0xd82...70723 months ago0.015 ETH

Bid placed by 0xdcf...7e133 months ago0.01 ETH

Bid placed by 0xdc4...4cbc3 months ago0.005 ETH

AuctionCreated on sealed by 0x1a0...b54d3 months ago0.005 ETH

Minted by 0x1a0...b54d3 months ago