

青みがかった薄い緑色。中国の越州で作られた「青磁」の最高級品の色。唐の時代に宮廷専用となり、民間が使うことを禁じられたことからこの名前がついた。日本には平安時代に伝来し、のちには天皇の食事を盛るための器になった。 A light green with bluish tints. This is the color of the highest grade of “celadon” made in Yuezhou, China. During the Tang dynasty, it was reserved for the court and forbidden to be used by the private sector. It was introduced to Japan in the Heian period (794-1185) and later became the vessel for serving the emperor's meals. ◇ー・ー・ー・ー・ー・◇ 鳥と話すことが出来る少女。人間に対しては無口且つ無関心で、ほぼ喋らない。少食で、マスクを取るのも1日に1度のみ。 A girl who can talk to birds. She is silent and indifferent to humans, and rarely speaks. She eats little and takes off her mask only once a day.



OWNED BY0x1b3...8e4a


Bought by Ryo_NFT_2022023 months ago0.06 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.06 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.05 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.04 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.035 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.03 ETH

Bid placed by 0x52c...b43a3 months ago0.027 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.0255 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.02532 ETH

Bid placed by 0x52c...b43a3 months ago0.024 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.023 ETH

Bid placed by 0xd85...eb903 months ago0.02225 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.022 ETH

Bid placed by 0xd85...eb903 months ago0.021115 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.021 ETH

Bid placed by 0x52c...b43a3 months ago0.02 ETH

Bid placed by 0xd85...eb903 months ago0.017 ETH

Bid placed by 0xd82...70723 months ago0.015 ETH

Bid placed by 0x8ca...b0043 months ago0.01 ETH

Bid placed by 0xdcf...7e133 months ago0.005 ETH

AuctionCreated on sealed by 0x1a0...b54d3 months ago0.005 ETH

Minted by 0x1a0...b54d3 months ago