

緑色がかった灰色。地味で品のある色合いから、千利休好みの色だと想像され、名付けられた色名。江戸時代後期の「四十八茶百鼠」と呼ばれる流行色の一つ。風流で高尚な色として使われた。 A greenish gray. This color was named after Sen no Rikyu, as it was imagined to be his favorite color due to its sober and elegant hue. One of the fashionable colors of the late Edo period, called “forty-eight tea and a hundred rats. It was used as a fashionable and noble color. ◇ー・ー・ー・ー・ー・◇ お茶が好きな女性。思想家。いつも茶を飲みながら本を読んでいる。 A woman who likes tea. A thinker. Always reading a book while drinking tea.



OWNED BY0xdb6...a9ea


Bought by miniinvestor.eth3 months ago0.0432 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.0432 ETH

Bid placed by 0x938...d5e53 months ago0.04 ETH

Bid placed by Anon3 months ago0.031 ETH

Bid placed by 0x938...d5e53 months ago0.03 ETH

Bid placed by 0xdcf...7e133 months ago0.015 ETH

Bid placed by 0xd85...eb903 months ago0.012 ETH

Bid placed by 0xdcf...7e133 months ago0.01 ETH

Bid placed by 0x406...73303 months ago0.007 ETH

Bid placed by 0x360...4f4f3 months ago0.005 ETH

AuctionCreated on sealed by 0x1a0...b54d3 months ago0.005 ETH

Minted by 0x1a0...b54d3 months ago