"I found her, but she was wrapped in worries, like a dense web of dark thoughts that kept her trapped and lost in herself." 「私は彼女を見つけましたが、彼女は不安に包まれており、暗い思考の密集した網のようなもので、彼女は自分自身に閉じ込められ、迷っていました。」 Watashi wa kanojo o mitsukemashitaga, kanojo wa fuan ni tsutsumi ma rete ori, kurai shikō no misshū shita ami no yōna mono de, kanojo wa jibun jishin ni tojikome rare, mayotte imashita. - It was a cold night, and there she was, motionless, in the shadows of the deserted road.
OWNED BY0x285...e54c
LISTED ONsealed for 1 ETH
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AuctionCreated on sealed by nopperab00.eth
5 months ago1 ETH
AuctionCreated on sealed by nopperab00.eth
5 months ago0.15 ETH
AuctionCreated on sealed by nopperab00.eth
5 months ago0.3 ETH
Minted by nopperab00.eth
5 months ago