Isn't it nice to unwind? After a long day of hard work, I can finally enjoy some delicious food with a friend. It may sound simple, but I believe connecting with someone makes these moments worthwhile. This artwork features Moe-tan and Blue Meow.
OWNED BY0xc8b...2994
LISTED ONsealed for 0.05 ETH
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AuctionCreated on sealed by arisse.eth7 months ago0.05 ETH
AuctionCreated on sealed by arisse.eth8 months ago0.06 ETH
ReserveAuctionCanceled on foundation by arisse.eth8 months ago
ReserveAuctionUpdated on foundation by arisse.eth2 years ago0.15 ETH
ReserveAuctionUpdated on foundation by arisse.eth2 years ago0.2 ETH
ReserveAuctionCreated on foundation by arisse.eth2 years ago0.25 ETH
Minted by arisse.eth2 years ago