"Who finds the hidden gems before they disappear?" .-- .... --- / ..-. .. -. -.. ... / - .... . / .... .. -.. -.. . -. / --. . -- ... / -... . ..-. --- .-. . / - .... . -.-- / -.. .. ... .- .--. .--. . .- .-. ..--.. Oddlavox, the forgotten building, is searching for hidden gems from the unknown forest. A silent movie clip.
OWNED BY0xd09...0991
LISTED ONsealed for 0.0444 ETH
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AuctionCreated on sealed by oddlavox.eth
2 months ago0.0444 ETH
AuctionCreated on sealed by oddlavox.eth
6 months ago0.05 ETH
BuyPriceCanceled on foundation by oddlavox.eth
6 months ago
BuyPriceSet on foundation by oddlavox.eth
8 months ago0.05 ETH
BuyPriceSet on foundation by oddlavox.eth
last year0.12 ETH
Minted by oddlavox.eth
last year