The shift came from within. The scene became an assault to my senses. The crowd was an overwhelming mob. Smiles twisted into grimaces. And just like that, I didn't feel like dancing anymore. Created in Procreate
Minted15 / 50
Mint Price0.0069 ETH
Mint Ends InNo end date
Minted by 0x821...AdA6
Minted by 0xabC...3006
Minted by 0x0F0...aC50
Minted by 0xD3D...916F
Minted by 0xB61...A193
Minted by 0xB61...A193
Minted by 0xbc1...A8DD
Minted by 0xF89...4388
Minted by 0x08c...aa9C
Minted by 0x16F...4bE5
Minted by 0x886...aDEE